Valentines Day Crafts:

Great for Giving

Children love creating and Valentines Day crafts are no exception. These preschool valentine craft activities are the same until you add a magnet to turn our clip into a refrigerator magnet.

This was a such a simple and easy crafting activity. My daughter loved it and was able to complete all of it herself. If you don't have a lot of time for crafting, this project just takes a few minutes to complete.

My daughter was able to pull the paper off of her stickers and place them on the clothespin herself which is good motor skill practice. Also, practicing opening the clothespin with adult supervision helps build hand strength. Both of these are needed to develop strong penmanship skills.

Remember let your preschooler participate as much as possible. This helps them develop creativity and problem solving skills. Most of our project pictures are child produced so you have a better idea of what to expect.

Valetines Day Crafts

What You Need:

1. Clothespins (We used wooden ones.)

2. Stickers (We used foam stickers.)

What You Do:

1. Decorate the clothespin with stickers

2. If you want a magnet add one to the undecorated side (I have a roll of self-adhesive magnet. Cut off the desired amount and stick on)

Teaching Tips:

1. Talk about colors

2. Explore the concept of open/close: talk about other things that open and close

3. Introduce new vocabulary: springs, magnets

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