Preschool Music Activities:

Start the Path to Learning

Preschool music activities are a wonderful way to tap into a child's natural love of rhythm and music. Your preschooler can also learn valuable concepts through preschool songs such as counting skills, rhyming skills, sequencing skills, etc.

Most children enjoy singing and participating in music activities. Try activities that use finger play, seasonal lyrics or full body movements like the Hokey Pokey. Encourage your child's exploration of music. Let them dance, play homemade instruments and sing.

Music activities for kids involve easy to learn lyrics, familiar tunes and movement. An Occupational Therapist, who worked with my mother (a fabulous kindergarten teacher) told her to incorporate movement into activities. Preschool music and movement activities tap into different parts of the brain to enhance learning.

It has been shown that certain types of music can have a positive impact on math skills. Also, music is a wonderful way to enhance language skills as children learn new vocabulary. Music also taps into a child's creativity. Music is a delightful way to nurture your child's education.

You will find some children can be soothed by certain types of music and excited by other music styles. Let your children experience a variety of music. This will help them appreciate music when they are older. My 2 year-old daughter prefers to listen to classical and jazz instead of music that has been produced for children. You don't know what your child might enjoy when given the choice.

Using music to connect with your children will produce wonderful memories and encourage learning. Start playing with music and build a strong foundation for math and pre-reading skills.

Try Christmas music to engage your child and teach pre-readiness skills at the same time.

Have fun with this snowman song.

Enjoy cocoa and the cocoa song.

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