Valentine Party Games

Heart Hunt

Valentine party games are a great way to enhance your Valentine party. Kids love flashlights so this Valentine game is played with flashlights. If your little ones do not like having the lights out that's okay too.

You can also play this game as a family. You don't have to have a big party to play. Kids just love spending time with their families so don't underestimate family time on Valentine's Day.

This Valentine theme game lends well to teaching colors, just cut out hearts in different Valentine theme colors. To teach same/different use variation 2 and decorate pairs of hearts to match. You could also target big/little. When you are done finding hearts count how many you found.

Don't be surprised if your preschooler wants to play this game over and over again.

What You Need:

1. Several paper hearts enough for everyone to find some

2. Tape

3. Flashlights

What You Do:

1. Ahead of time hide hearts, tape some within child reach on walls and furniture

2. Turn out lights

3. Give everyone a flashlight

4. Go find hearts


1. Tape hearts together on the wall or place on the floor and use the flashlight to find specific hearts: Find the red heart, etc.

2. Make hearts that match give everyone half of the pair and they have to find the other half.

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